Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Pssst… wanna buy an F? How 'bout a U?

You know what I love.  Hearing from old friends, out of the blue, on Facebook!

You know what I hate?  When those stupid dicks are only sending me a quick note to catch up because they've decided to start selling some stupid pyramid scheme crap out of their home.

No, you don't "own your own business."

You are just selling someone else's shit to everyone you know until everyone you know has bought everything and is tired of it. At which point, you close down and start selling some other kind of shit.  Meanwhile, the people on top of you are making money off you and your friends.  Why don't you just start a Go Fund Me page and keep the profits for yourself?  Or, why don't you just fuck the hell off?

OK, too strong.

I'm not saying all of these network marketing things are terrible.  I buy certain products all the time from a few people.  Because I do happen to like it, and they were smart enough to get into a selling something that is consumable AND competitively priced.  So yeah.  I've bought jewellery (though I maxed out on my needs there pretty fast. Which is probably why the company itself shut down and started selling other crap!!)  And candles (no one sells those anymore?) and scented wax and spices.

BUT please. Don't come at me like you miss my happy, sunshiny disposition, then immediately start trying to sell me shit.  It's gross.  And annoying.  Invite me to your stupid party if you want.  I'll come over and drink your wine and eat your food, sure.  I may even buy something, if I like it.  But email me a catalogue?  No thanks.  You suck.

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