Tuesday, May 12, 2015


So, this is a thing?  That's funny?  Where have I been?  And ugh, what a yappy little Chihuahua.  Yup, just the kind of man-baby is exactly the type who makes me want to puke.

Hey, you know what's awesome - the pure beauty of wrongful dismissal?  I can fire anyone I want, for any reason.  I just may have to pay them some nice severance if I'm wrong.  But they still don't get to work for me anymore if I say so.

Honestly, junior, you're easily replaced.  But the value you bring by being fired?  It would take massive amounts of advertising and branding strategy dollars to get the brand recognition firing that guy brought.  For the cost of a small severance package, Hydro One is now known as a harassment-free workplace, committed to a safe and fair workplace for everyone.

Yeah!  Worth every penny!  Honestly, it's the kind of thing companies should almost consider fabricating.  No one watches commercials anymore.  But we all read the internet…

Oh, and also, I exist on my own, as a human being, beyond the context of my relationship with a male.  I am not your wife, your sister, your mother.  I am ME.  I am a woman.  And that is enough.

Because I am a woman, I do, in fact, get to tell you what's offensive to me, as a woman.  You don't get to tell me.  Go mansplain racism to Morgan Freeman.  Or homophobia to George Takei. I've got feminism covered just fine, friend.

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