Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Third Way?

I just watched a video about how the Church (Catholic) loves homosexuals.  But, you know, chaste ones.  The essence of the video was just that - yes, some are born same-sex oriented.  And that is ok, as long as you ignore those urges and live a life of chastity.  Because it's ok to be gay, as long as you aren't having sex.  Because sex is purely for procreation, and gays can't procreate.

Um, neither can Christians who've had vasectomies.  Or Christians who just plain can't have children.  Soooooo…?  Huh?

Mostly, I just kept noticing that one of the preacher dudes was pretty hot.  But you know - in like a deep, friendship kind of way.

I dunno.  I'd be on board with some of what they were saying if they were talking pedophiles or something.  Some desires do need to be ignored.  And I don't think anyone chooses to be a pedophile.  I think it's a deep psychological issue that needs to be addressed and fixed.  If possible.  Obviously, an issue well outside my understanding or background.  I'm an English major, for pete's sake.  But yeah.  Pedophilia is obviously one desire that needs to be denied in any and every way.  I think we all agree on that.  Though I do believe that generally - and correct me if I'm wrong - pedophilia is the result of huge psychological trauma.  So, correcting that trauma is about the only way to correct the desire, I'd imagine.  I'm pretty sure simply finding God and living a chaste life of love won't do it?  I don't even know if there is enough actual "therapy" that can fix an issue like that.  The mother in me says we should just round 'em up and shoot 'em.  I'm not going to lie to you.

But, back to the original topic…  Oh, no wait.  Let me sidebar.  Interestingly, I think all of the homosexuals I know have been sexually abused in their childhood.  No, I'm retracting the "all" statement.  All statements just cause people to freak the fuck out.  But I sure know a lot of gay people who have been assaulted in childhood.  And maybe it's that age old thing: Correlation is not causation. I get that.  But it does seem to be something a lot of people have in common there.  So… yeah.  What do I know.  Again, English major.  The human condition is pretty damn complex.  I don't think the Bible really covers it all.  Or, half of it.  Or a quarter.  Or…

Where was I?

Right.  That video.  Homosexuals.  Church.  Chastity.  Hmmmmm.  I am just not sure about the stance: "being gay is ok, it's acting on it sexually that is a sin."

I know that as a church, we frown upon any sexual relationships that are outside the church's view on marriage as God intended.  So yeah, we so frown upon the common-law hetrosexual - or anyone having straight sex outside of marriage.  Even the Catholic sexers, I presume?  BUT what bugs me about that is that the hetro sinner can "repent" and marry their fuck buddy. Then all is forgiven.  But in the eyes of the church, that will just never be an option for the homosexual.  Is that really OK?  I don't know.  It doesn't feel ok, to me. And it seems like a ridiculous comparison to make.

Here's the other part: What about people who are barren?  They aren't living marriage as God intended, with procreation and all.  Or, what about people who are born with both organs?  Hermaphrodite?  We can't deny that happens - rarely, perhaps.  But it does.  So, are they living a sinful life?  When?  When they sexually behave as women?  Or as men?  They aren't choosing to have both, they were born that way.  So, how do they avoid being sinners?

Hey, is it possible that maybe some people are born same-sex attracted, just as some are born with both genders?  Maybe, just maybe, the bible forgot to cover all the bases?  I don't recall, off hand, any mention of Downs Syndrome in there.  So, are we to assume they are also sinners, since they aren't living "God's perfect plan?" Of course not.  That's offensive!  Right!!  So, maybe, just maybe, there is a reality that includes everyone in the perfect plan???

So at the end of the day, I have concerns about the people who are applauding this video and sharing it with their kids.  But then on the other hand, I'm kind of glad to see Christians approach homosexuality with a little more grace and love and compassion.  I mean, a lot of it is still hugely misguided, for sure!  But it beats the hell out of a bunch of assholes marching around carrying their "God hates homos" placards.


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