Thursday, April 30, 2015

Hey parents, try not to be a dick.

Yes, tagline totally stolen from some awesome blogger out there.  But she doesn't own the term dick, so I'm stealing it.  Mwahaha!

Anyway, have you ever noticed that some parents are just total dicks?  I sure have.  Probably because I keep putting myself in the line of fire.  Why?  I don't know.  I enjoy kids.  I guess that's my mistake.  I often think it's a good idea to interact with kids… and I forget that some kids are being raised by assholes.  And that when you interact with said kid, you're gonna meet an asshole.

I am just that stupid.

I suppose that means I need to quit the kid thing.  I am 42 years old.  Getting schooled by some snotty 26 year old bitch is just beyond me.  Sorry your kid is acting like a brat.  Sorry I told him it was time to go.  It's my class, lady.  I make the rules here.  You don't want your kid to encounter rules?  Then keep him at home and YOU fucking deal with him all day.  Leave me out of your freakshow.

But since you did bring precious jonny here, please understand he's just one more precious child in a room full of precious children.  And the rules are the same for each precious little one.  Yes, they are precious.

You, however, are a complete bitch.  And I'd like to punch you in the throat.

No, seriously.  Parents, please take note.  If you never want anyone to ever tell your child anything about rules or when it's time to do stuff, KEEP THEM HOME!!!  It's not that we don't want to see the kids.  We do.  They can learn; they'd do fine if you'd let them.  It's you we don't want to deal with.  You are the one who ruins our day, who makes jobs with kids suck.  Who sucks the life out of every good day ever had in child-care land.  Ugh.  You suck.  Stay home!

Or fuck off.  I'm cool, either way.

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